Indie Film Review: Vampire Mockumentary “Living Among Us” (2018)

Living Among Us (2018) is the second feature-length horror movie by indie writer/director/producer Brian A. Metcalf (The Lost Tree, 2016). It’s a competent production. The film boasts a cast that includes Esmé Bianco (Game of Thrones, 2011-3), James Russo (Donnie Brasco, 1997), William Sadler (The Shawshank Redemption, 1994), and the late John Heard (Home Alone, 1990). Yet, its story is familiar and weak, as is its POV video aesthetic. Its production design and acting also could have been better, even given the limitations of its low budget. The film’s negative aspects outweigh the positives, especially for the seasoned horror fan.