As I mentioned in the conclusion of my last post, I planned to follow up my review of “Tales from the Dark 1” with a look at its sister film, “Tales from the Dark 2.” The latter is also a compilation of three short horror films, all based on short stories by Lilian Lee and helmed by Hong Kong directors. As I hinted in my last post, the horror of the second collection is much more hardcore than that of the first. It is more explicit in terms of sexuality and violence. As a result, it is a Category III film (no one under 18 admitted) under the HK rating system.

“Tales from the Dark 1” (2013): HK Horror

“Tales from the Dark 1” (李碧華鬼魅系列 迷離夜) is the first of two 2013 compilations of short horror films from Hong Kong directors. Horror stories by Hong Kong author and screenwriter Lilian Lee (Li Pi-Hua) — whose many writings include the novel Farewell My Concubine, as well as the screenplay for the film — are the basis for the screenplays of the six shorts in this double portmanteau.

China/HK Month: “Infernal Affairs” (2002)

In a little less than a week, I’ll be leaving for a tour of China, after which I’ll be visiting my in-laws in Hong Kong. I’ve been to the Chinese mainland only once before, but I have been to Hong Kong many times. In preparation for the trip (and in anticipation of difficulty posting while I am in China), I’ll be focusing this week on films from Chinese and Hong Kong cinema. For three weeks afterwards, I’ll be posting about China and Hong Kong when time and Internet access permit.